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Interpretation of the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Raw Materials Industry"


Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Natural Resources jointly issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Raw Materials Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). work, the relevant issues are now interpreted as follows.

1. Background of the "Plan"

The raw material industry includes petrochemical chemicals, steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials and other industries, as well as the new material industry. It is the foundation of the real economy, the basic industry that supports the development of the national economy and the key area to win international competitive advantages. The main force and the main battlefield for industrial green development. Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and with the joint efforts of all parties, the transformation and upgrading of the raw material industry has achieved remarkable results, the comprehensive strength has grown steadily, and the international competitiveness has continued to increase. However, the current shortcomings and bottlenecks are still prominent. There is a serious surplus of low-end products and insufficient supply of high-end products. The level of independent control of key materials, core process technologies and equipment is not high. Green and low-carbon development has a long way to go, and the level of digitalization is difficult to effectively support high-quality development. , problems such as the weak security capability of key strategic resources need to be solved urgently.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" is a critical period for the high-quality development of the raw material industry, with many new changes in opportunities and challenges. From the perspective of opportunities, the construction of a new development pattern is accelerated, and the advantages of the domestic super-large-scale market are further exerted, especially the demand for high-end materials in emerging fields and consumption upgrades, which provides a broad space for the sustainable and healthy development of the raw material industry. my country's market system of fair competition is improving day by day, especially the concentration of various resource elements in advantageous fields and enterprises, which provides basic support for the raw material industry to strengthen the resilience of the industrial chain. The new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is reshaping the global economic structure, especially the deep integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing industry, which provides a source of power for the transformation, upgrading and forging of new advantages in the raw material industry. From the perspective of challenges, in the face of the adverse current of economic globalization and the widespread impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the security risks of the industrial chain and supply chain have become prominent, and the difficulty of expanding the international market has increased significantly. In the face of the new situation in the new stage of high-quality development, the demand for major bulk raw material products such as steel, electrolytic aluminum, and cement will gradually reach or approach the peak plateau period, and the expansion momentum of large-scale and quantitative demand tends to weaken. In the face of the strong constraints of resources, energy and ecological environment, the hard task of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, the people's new expectations for safe production, the task of green and safe development of the raw material industry is more urgent.

In the face of the new situation and new requirements, in order to implement the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Vision 2035", accelerate the optimization, opening and high-quality development of the raw material industrial system, industrial and information The Ministry of Chemical Industry, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Natural Resources jointly formulated the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Raw Materials Industry".

2. The overall idea and objectives of the "Plan"

The "Plan" adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implements the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 19th Plenary Sessions, bases itself on the new development stage, fully, accurately and comprehensively implements the new development concept, and accelerates the construction of a new development pattern , with the theme of promoting high-quality development, deepening the supply-side structural reform as the main line, taking reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force, and meeting the people's growing needs for a better life as the fundamental purpose, coordinating development and security, and focusing on upgrading the industrial base. and the modernization level of the industrial chain, focus on optimizing traditional industries and product structure, cultivating and expanding the new material industry, accelerating the empowerment of information technology, complementing the shortcomings of the industrial chain, realizing low-carbon and recyclable, and promoting high-end industrial supply, rationalization of structure, and green development. It will provide strong support for promoting the construction of a powerful manufacturing country to a new level and for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

In accordance with the basic principles of "innovative leadership, market leadership, supply and demand coordination, and green safety", the "Planning" proposes the overall development direction and 15-year long-term goals for the next five years. By 2025, the ability of the raw material industry to ensure and lead the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry will be significantly enhanced; the growth rate of added value will remain at a reasonable level, and its proportion in the manufacturing industry will be basically stable; the scale of the new materials industry will continue to increase, and its proportion in the raw material industry will increase significantly; preliminary Form a higher quality, better efficiency, better layout, greener and safer industrial development pattern. By 2035, it will become a highland for the research and development, production and application of important raw material products in the world, the competitiveness of the new material industry will be comprehensively improved, the level of green and low-carbon development will be advanced in the world, and the industrial system will be safe and controllable.

The "Plan" proposes five specific goals for 2025.

First, the level of high-end supply continues to improve.

Break through a number of key basic materials in key strategic areas. The R&D investment intensity of key industries has reached more than 1.5%, and a number of key industrial core technologies have been mastered.

Second, the level of structural rationalization continued to improve.

The production capacity of key raw materials and bulk products such as crude steel and cement has only been reduced but not increased. 5~10 leading enterprises in the industrial chain with ecological leadership and core competitiveness will be formed. Form more than 5 world-class advanced manufacturing clusters in the field of raw materials.

Third, the level of green development has been greatly improved.

The comprehensive energy consumption per ton of steel is reduced by 2%, the energy consumption per unit of clinker for cement products is reduced by 3.7%, and the carbon emission of electrolytic aluminum is reduced by 5%. The emission intensity and total amount of pollutants per unit of output value in key industries have both decreased. The comprehensive utilization rate of solid wastes such as industrial waste residues was further improved.

Fourth, the effect of industrial digital transformation is prominent.

More than 20% of enterprises with intelligent manufacturing capability maturity level 3 and above, and the numerical control rate of key processes is more than 70%. Build more than 100 intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories and more than 10 industrial Internet platforms.

Fifth, the foundation of system security is more solid.

The independent and controllable level of key production technologies and equipment in key industries has been greatly improved, and the breakpoints and blockages of the industrial chain have been significantly reduced. The relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas has been completed.

3. Key tasks of the "Plan"

Focusing on development goals, the "Planning" proposes "five modernizations" such as high-end, rationalization, greening, digitization, and security from five aspects: supply level, industrial structure, green and low carbon, digital transformation, and industrial security.

One is to promote high-end industrial supply. Improve the innovation system, strengthen the support of the innovation platform carrier, and optimize and improve the innovation mechanism ecology. Overcome key technologies, optimize configuration and resource sharing through the deep integration of production, education and research. Make breakthroughs in key materials, adhere to both material priority and demand traction, and implement key short-board materials research actions, bulk basic materials consolidation and improvement actions, and forward-looking layout actions for cutting-edge materials. Improve product quality, strengthen quality management and process control, promote product standards and brand building, and improve quality evaluation and certification systems.

The second is to promote the rationalization of the industrial structure. By strictly controlling new production capacity and improving the long-term mechanism, we will consolidate the results of reducing production capacity. By optimizing the layout of new production capacity and promoting standardized cluster development, we will guide the rational distribution of production capacity. Optimize the organizational structure by making leading enterprises bigger and stronger, cultivating and growing small and medium-sized enterprises. Promote industrial synergy by expanding domestic demand for mid-to-high-end materials and strengthening upstream and downstream linkages.

The third is to accelerate the greening of industrial development. Actively implement energy-saving and low-carbon actions, formulate implementation plans for key industries such as petrochemical chemicals, steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, etc., accelerate the promotion of energy-saving and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of enterprises, and encourage qualified industries and enterprises to take the lead in peaking. Promote ultra-low emissions and clean production, study and promote the implementation of ultra-low emissions in key industries, innovate the implementation model of clean production in key industries, and strengthen the concept of green development throughout the life cycle of products. Improve the comprehensive utilization level of resources, continuously improve the management level of key processes and processes, improve the utilization efficiency of primary resources, and reduce resource and energy consumption from the source. Build a number of bases for comprehensive utilization of industrial resources, and establish coupled development parks for raw material industries in areas where conditions permit, so as to realize the cascade utilization of energy resources and the connection of industrial cycles.

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